Announcement of Request for Application (RFA)
Community-Based Organization (CBO) Partnership
The Northeastern Workforce Development Board has issued a Request for Application (RFA) for community-based organizations to conduct outreach and education activities that increase referrals to workforce programs administered by the NWDB. The RFA is focused on outreach to the most negatively impacted workers from the pandemic who are continuing to face employment challenges and priority populations as identified in the RFA.
We urge you to disseminate this information to any parties you feel would be suitable. All applicants should submit their responses by 5pm on November 8th, 2024. No phone calls, please.
Any and all updates will be posted on this page. Please check frequently for further information.
Click the links below to access the RFA and the RFA Application.
RFA For CBO Partnership
RFA Application
TEGL 02-22 Change 2: 2023 QUEST Disaster Recovery National Dislocated Worker Grants Funding Announcement (
QUEST DWG Funding Opportunity, c. Grant Activities, C. Business Engagement QUEST: Disaster Recovery National Dislocated Worker Grants Funding Announcement (