We’re here to make the Northeastern area of Maine
a better place to work and live.

What is Northeastern Workforce Development Board?
The Northeastern Workforce Development Board (NWDB) was established to administer and oversee the delivery of WIOA Title 1B, Adult, Dislocated worker, and Youth funded services in Aroostook, Penobscot, Hancock, Washington, and Piscataquis Counties. NWDB’s region is the largest rural area in the state of Maine.
Members are made up of workforce professionals, County officials, and local employers striving to support everyday people in overcoming barriers to employment through the contracted One-Stop Operator system providing them with skills training, work experiences, on the job training programs, and supportive services. Vital to the social and economic wellbeing of our communities, participants not only gain a livable wage but are led into career pathways that help them to fulfill their family’s needs and dreams.
NWDB strives to achieve this goal in collaboration with our contracted One-Stop Operator Eastern Maine Development Corporation (EMDC) and our many One-Stop Partners.